New: UK Evening Sessions Oct‐Nov 2024


What is CraftWork

Events for Soloists, Founders and Leaders in the Shopify Partner Ecosystem

Craft+Work is an intimate event series that brings together Shopify-focused soloists, founders and leaders to share experiences, learn from each other and prove that there is no one right way to build a business.

What is CraftWork?

You started your business for a love of the craft. Now you're here to do the work — but it's often a slog tackling it alone. Tunnel vision sets in and, sometimes, the lows make you question why on earth you started this thing in the first place.

You're hit with hundreds of articles, online courses and podcasts that prescribe a formula for success. You know, the ones that say, "You, too, can have it all for a one-time fee of $1,999 plus tax!" It doesn't really work that way, does it?

Catch up with old friends and make new ones

Craft+Work is a response to the noise. This intimate event series brings together soloists, founders and leaders from the Shopify ecosystem to share experiences, learn from each other and prove that there is no one right way to build and grow a business.

After all, sometimes the missing piece is a group of people who understand the struggle and are willing to talk about it. That means embracing the messy and getting honest about the good and the bad.

Share ideas with your peers in a safe and welcoming environment

You'll get together with a maximum of 49 other like-minded people, explore challenges, and learn what's worked for others in unique situations. You might even have some fun!

If you enjoy meeting fellow entrepreneurs and want to build a better business, Craft+Work is for you.

Open & Honest Conversations

It's often said that the best parts of a conference are the conversations you have waiting inline for a coffee. Imagine a whole day "Coffee Track" event. A day full of meeting new people, hearing their stories and sharing ideas — that's Craft+Work.

Whether you're new to your role, a seasoned pro, or are thinking about taking the leap on your first solo adventure, our events offer a supportive and engaging environment for individuals to learn, get inspired, and meet new people who are striving to build better businesses.

Here's what you can expect at a Craft+Work event:


Enjoy a pre or post event conversation, exchange a business card, or ink a deal with fellow attendees, all whilst enjoying some food and drink.

Guest Presentations

Consider these conversation starters. Short, focused, and personal insights from invited experts followed by a group Q & A session.

Hot Seats & Hot Topics

Your chance to come to the front, sit on a stool, and dig into a topic of your choosing with your host.

Conversation Stations

Small group discussions centred around two or three key questions. A great opportunity to meet new people and gain new perspectives.

Group Discussions

We'll dig into the topics that are affecting your business and professional development and see where it takes us.

Community Notices

Your opportunity to share your products and services or find experts to help you take your business to the next level.

As we grow and develop the series, we'll iterate based on what works and what doesn't.

Who is it For?

Craft+Work is open to anyone interested in building and growing an ecommerce, digital, or creative business. That said, you'll likely get more from the event if you own, run, or work in a business in the Shopify Partner ecosystem and identify as a soloist, founder or leader.

Here's our take on each of these jargony terms:

  • Shopify Partner Ecosytem — Businesses that exist due to the existence of the Shopify ecommerce platform. This includes individuals and agencies specialising in designing and building online stores, app developers, system integrators, ecommerce focused B2B and B2C marketers, SEO specialists, solutions architects, ecommerce strategists, copywriters, coaches, event organisers, and many more.
  • Soloist — You are your business. Whilst you might contract out some aspects of your day-to-day work (e.g. accounting), it's really just you and your wits. You probably wouldn't have it any other way, but you want, no need, to find ways to balance out sales, marketing, networking and doing the work.
  • Founder — You founded, or co-founded, a business that now has a team of people doing the work. Maybe that was the intention; maybe it was by accident. You likely find your days filled with 1-1s, sales calls, proposals and building relationships. You're constantly challenged by new problems and would value external insight and support.
  • Leader — You're a decision maker in a business. You occasionally get your hands dirty on a project but likely spend most of your days leading a team and helping the founders think bigger and more strategically. You would love to learn how other people operate and how you can develop your own leadership toolkit.

Not sure if you fit the bill then why not get in touch and let's find out.


Events will be curated around themes highly relevant to anyone running or considering starting a Shopify-focused business. We'll cover many of the following areas but may venture into unknown territories, but that's part of the fun.


How can we leverage the power of branding to differentiate our businesses and leave a lasting impression on our clients and customers?

Clients & Customers

What strategies can we use to attract, retain and delight our clients and customers?


How can we become better leaders and help nurture creativity, foster innovation, and guide our teams to unprecedented success?


How do we make sense of competing marketing strategies and tactics to produce campaigns that really resonate with our clients and customers?


How do we position our businesses to gain a competitive edge and connect with our ideal clients and customers?


From double your rate Fridays to goldilocks pricing and beyond. There are so many ways to price your products and services, but what really works? Let's find out together.

Remote Work

Is remote work a threat to team culture, is it a fad, will we prosper or suffer from a lack of in-person connections? Remote work appears to be here to stay so how do we make it work?

Team Building

How can we empower teams to drive creativity, collaborate effectively, and create impactful and profitable work?


How do we leverage advances in technology like AI to help, not hinder, our businesses?

If you've got a hot topic you'd like to discuss Get in touch and let us know.

Event Reports

Read up on what you missed in our previous event reports. Each one includes the themes of the day, key takeaways from the guest presentations, photos, and, of course, the event playlist.

Sign up to our newsletter us to be the first to hear about new events. You can also follow on Instagram.

A Little Different

We believe Craft+Work events are just a little bit different than your average conference. You won't find big stages, multiple tracks, or a large exhibition hall. So what sets up apart?

  • Exceedingly Niche — We're not for everyone and that's OK. But if you're a soloist, founder or leader working in the Shopify Partner ecosystem, we are 100% for you.
  • Purposefully Small — We keep our events small and intimate as we believe beyond a certain number having open and inclusive conversations becomes almost impossible. For us, that number is 50.
  • Focused on Conversations — Our events are based around open and honest dialogue that will enable us all to learn, be challenged, and get better at what we do. We ask that you come willing to contribute.
  • Every Voice is Equal — We're a room of equals, and every idea, story or insight will be heard. Whether you're new to your role or a seasoned pro, your contribution is as valid as anyone else's.
  • Intentionally Analog — We don't go in for beautifully designed presentations (we have a no slides policy), free wi-fi or fancy lighting. We encourage you to digitally switch off for the day and take notes the old-fashioned way with a nice pen and a great notebook.

We love our approach but don't just take our word for it. Read what others thought about their experience at Craft+Work.


Here's what previous attendees had to say about their experience at Craft+Work.

Keir has done an incredible job of bringing together the best and brightest in agency, e-commerce and Shopify worlds together to learn and connect. The energy of the room was unlike any conference I've ever been to.

Ellen DonnellyFounder of The Ask®

An amazing event as expected. I always come away from Craft+Work with personal insights from experts that will help me push our products forward. It's almost a cross between an informal dinner and a conference. Highly recommend!

Jenny McMillenProduct Manager at Eight

Keir collects interesting and engaging people the way some collect stamps and brings this eclectic group of humans together with an agenda that is thought-provoking and open, giving us all ample opportunities to contribute and make our own connections for our future benefit.

Peter CorkeryFractional eCommerce Director

The variety of topics covered was what most impressed me. Hearing stories about success, failure, and pivoting is always a winner for me.

Steve JonesCo-Founder at Union Works

Contender for the best agency / tech partner event of the year — stoked to see you take it across the pond, mate.

Tim RichardsonCo-Founder at Your Basket Is Empty

Keir brought together a great mix of people who opened up about their experiences, their successes, and the challenges they face running their businesses.

Ian RabbidgeFounder at Alvio

Speakers shared startup stories and lessons learned over the last year (cue cards, no slides!). Vibrant and transparent talks, which was refreshing.

Nika TalbotWriter at The Shift

I found it really valuable to connect with a mix of people I did and didn't know, including people I'd met on LinkedIn but had not had the chance to meet.

Tom LockeFounder at Noughts and Ones

I really enjoyed being in a room with people at the top of their game and listening to aspirational stories from skilled people in our industry.

Jenny McMillenProduct Manager at Eight

I loved speaking about storytelling at Craft+Work. Small group, no slide decks, short off-the-cuff talks and lots of interaction. Perfectly pitched.

Kendra FutcherCopywriter at Writing+Thinking

With a cap of 50 people, Keir beautifully cultivated a community of creativity, vulnerability and education that was a privilege to be a part of.

Rosie HawkinsFounder at RedHawk Events

A brilliant event to meet other business owners, founders and directors all in a similar space. Honest discussions around whats going well, badly and what to expect from our industry in the future provides brilliant insight.

Sam HenningCo-Founder at Union Works

You can also read what Gian Maria, Ian, Kendra, Krissie and Rosie thought about the inaugural full-day event that took place in London in June 2023.

Who's Behind This?

Photo of Craig Cooper and Keir Whitaker

Craig (left) and Keir (right)

Craft+Work was created and is hosted by Keir Whitaker — a business and marketing consultant who specialises in working with agencies and app companies in the Shopify Partner ecosystem.

He's spent the last 20 years working in the web, tech, and ecommerce industries, was the second hire on Shopify's Partnerships team and for the last five years, has been building and running his own show.

The team also consists of the as yet to be titled Craig Cooper. Craig is a long standing Shopify Expert and founder of Archer Cooper. Keir and Craig met at a Shopify Theme workshop in a year neither of them can quite remember.

When not attending events, they can often be found discussing obscure British cultural trivia, debating the concept of strategy, and wondering why something as simple as a bread roll has so many different names. (ed: it's a bread roll, just saying).

Frequently Asked Questions

Before you go we'd like to share answers to common queries about our events, attendees, and what to expect when you join us.

Q: Will the sessions be Shopify specific?

No. While our group may be made up of Shopify-focused agency owners, consultants, and app developers, our themes don't focus on the platform itself (after all, there are plenty of resources on these topics). Rather, we bring soloists, founders, and leaders from the Shopify Partner ecosystem together to share experiences, learn from each other, and prove that there is no one right way to build a business.

Q: Do I have to work in the Shopify Partner ecosystem to attend?

Absolutely not. We like to say that the Shopify ecosystem is the glue that binds us together, but it's by no means a prerequisite to enjoy and get value from the day. Our themes and conversation topics are universal to anyone running an ecommerce agency, digital business (e.g., SaaS), or a creative agency (e.g., design or content).

Q: What types of people attend?

In no particular order, our events have been attended by Shopify agency founders, Shopify app developers, B2B marketing consultants, business advisors and coaches, creative directors, ecommerce strategists and consultants, marketing experts, operations directors, product managers, startup founders, and storytelling experts.

Q: Are your events catered?

Yes, our full-day events include breakfast on arrival, lunch, and snacks throughout the day, along with tea, coffee, water, and juices to keep your thirst at bay. Evening sessions will include “light bites” and cold drinks. You will be able to share your dietary requirements when registering your ticket(s).

Q: What do I need to bring to an event?

Our approach is very analogue. We don't record sessions or group conversations, and we operate a zero-slide policy for presentations. As such, you may wish to bring a notebook and pen to capture ideas. Other than that, you're good to go!

Q: Am I expected to contribute?

It's certainly not mandated or expected. However, we feel you'll get more from the event if you are willing to open up and share your own experiences, ideas, and opinions. We create safe spaces to step outside your comfort zone and value every voice. If you have any concerns or questions, please get in touch and we'll share more about the format.

Q: Are there any sponsorship opportunities?

There are! To learn more about how becoming a Patron (we prefer Patron to sponsor!) will help you connect with our community please download our 2024 prospectus.

Get in Touch

If you have a question or we can help with anything relating to our events please get in touch. We aim to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours, Monday to Friday.

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About This Site

This is the web site of Craft+Work — An intimate event series for soloists, founders and leaders working in the Shopify Partner ecosystem hosted by business and marketing consultant Keir Whitaker.

Please follow Craft+Work on Instagram and Twitter/X.

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Craft+Work is owned and operated by Metro 55 Limited (#05243642) t/a Keir Whitaker which is registered as a company in England & Wales. Our VAT number is #177672955.

© 2019 – 2024 Keir Whitaker. All rights reserved.