New: UK Evening Sessions Oct‐Nov 2024


CraftWork UK Evening Sessions

Join us for an evening of ecommerce focused conversations, stories, and insights

Craft+Work Evening Sessions are a series of intimate events taking place across the UK (Cambridge, Milton Keynes, Exeter, Cardiff, Manchester & Birmingham) in October and November 2024. If you're a soloist, founder or leader working in the Shopify Partner ecosystem or adjacent industries (SaaS, marketing, design etc.) this event is for you.

Buy Tickets — £15 / PWYC

Only 50 tickets available per city

2024 Schedule

Over the course of six weeks we're taking in six UK cities. All events will run from 6pm‐9pm and will include light bites and refreshments to keep your hunger and thurst at bay. Our suggested ticket price is £15 + VAT but you are welcome to "Pay What You Can".

  1. Cambridge

  2. Milton Keynes

  3. Exeter

  4. Cardiff

  5. Manchester

  6. Birmingham

Buy Tickets — £15 / PWYC

Only 50 tickets available per city

What's Happening?

Craft+Work Evening Sessions is an intimate event series for Shopify-focused professionals and will feature guest presentations, hot seat interviews, and group conversations focused on building better businesses. Consider them a more condensed, but equally valuable, version of our full-day events.


An Evening of Open and Honest Conversation

Expect to get involved, share your ideas, and learn from others running and building Shopify and ecommerce focused businesses on their own terms.

If you're new to Craft+Work why not read up on what happens as well as catching up on our full-day London events (2023 & 2024).

Who is it For?

Our Evening Sessions are open to anyone interested in building and growing an ecommerce, digital, or creative business. That said, you'll likely get more from the event if you own, run, or work in a business in the Shopify Partner ecosystem and identify as a soloist, founder or leader.

Here's our take on each of these jargony terms:

  • Shopify Partner Ecosytem — Businesses that exist due to the existence of the Shopify ecommerce platform. This includes individuals and agencies specialising in designing and building online stores, app developers, system integrators, ecommerce focused B2B and B2C marketers, SEO specialists, solutions architects, ecommerce strategists, copywriters, coaches, event organisers, and many more.
  • Soloist — You are your business. Whilst you might contract out some aspects of your day-to-day work (e.g. accounting), it's really just you and your wits. You probably wouldn't have it any other way, but you want, no need, to find ways to balance out sales, marketing, networking and doing the work.
  • Founder — You founded, or co-founded, a business that now has a team of people doing the work. Maybe that was the intention; maybe it was by accident. You likely find your days filled with 1-1s, sales calls, proposals and building relationships. You're constantly challenged by new problems and would value external insight and support.
  • Leader — You're a decision maker in a business. You occasionally get your hands dirty on a project but likely spend most of your days leading a team and helping the founders think bigger and more strategically. You would love to learn how other people operate and how you can develop your own leadership toolkit.

Not sure if you fit the bill then why not get in touch and let's find out.


Each evening session will feature two invited presenters who have agreed to come along and share their personal stories and insights. Full details will be released as we confirm the lineup for each city. Expect an interesting and ecclectic mix of people.

Previous presenters have included B2B marketing consultants, business advisors and coaches, ecommerce consultants, event marketing specialists, marketing consultants, operations experts, product managers, startup founders, Shopify agency founders, Shopify app developers, Shopify theme developers and storytelling experts

If you're interested in presenting at one of our Evening Sessions please drop us a note and let's have a chat.


Events will be curated around themes highly relevant to anyone running or considering starting an Shopify-focused business. We'll cover many of the following areas:


How can we leverage the power of branding to differentiate our businesses and leave a lasting impression on our clients and customers?

Clients & Customers

What strategies can we use to attract, retain and delight our clients and customers?


How can we become better leaders and help nurture creativity, foster innovation, and guide our teams to unprecedented success?


How do we make sense of competing marketing strategies and tactics to produce campaigns that really resonate with our clients and customers?


How do we position our businesses to gain a competitive edge and connect with our ideal clients and customers?


From double your rate Fridays to goldilocks pricing and beyond. There are so many ways to price your products and services, but what really works? Let's find out together.

Remote Work

Is remote work a threat to team culture, is it a fad, will we prosper or suffer from a lack of in-person connections? Remote work appears to be here to stay so how do we make it work?

Team Building

How can we empower teams to drive creativity, collaborate effectively, and create impactful and profitable work?


How do we leverage advances in technology like AI to help, not hinder, our businesses?

We may venture into unknown territories, but that's part of the fun.

Pay What You Can

We want to make our Evening Sessions accessible to everyone. That's why we are offering a "Pay What You Can" ticket policy. While the suggested ticket price is £15 + VAT, you are welcome to pay any amount (including £0) that fits your budget.

Your contribution, whatever it may be, will be put towards the running of these "not for profit" events. Feel free to change the amount in the booking widget (it defaults to £15).

Pulse Survey

Before each evening session, we'll send out a short survey. It's designed to learn more about you, your business, and your challenges. Completing it as openly and honestly as possible will inform the conversations and topics we discuss. Expect to see this in your inbox two weeks before the event.


Craft+Work Evening Sessions are made possible by the generous support of our Patrons. Please take a moment to learn more about them and their products and services.

If you're in the business of enabling Shopify-focused businesses, then Craft+Work is for you. Learn more about how becoming a Patron will help you connect with the community please download our 2024 prospectus.

Your Host

Craft+Work is run and hosted by Keir Whitaker — a UK-based business coach and consultant who specialises in helping Shopify-focused soloists, founders and leaders to stand out in the crowded ecommerce ecosystem and grow their businesses without hiring large teams.

Keir (left) hosting Craft+Work: London 2023

He's spent the last 20 years working in the web, tech, and ecommerce industries. He started out as a web developer, morphed into product marketing, was the second hire on Shopify's nascent Partnerships team and for the last five years, has been building his own coaching and consulting practice.

Today, he channels his knowledge and expertise into supporting Shopify-focused soloists, founders and leaders across the globe. Find out how Keir helps his clients on his coaching and consultancy website.

Buy Tickets

Convinced you need to attend an Evening Session? To save you scrolling all the way back to the top, here's a handy "Buy Now" button! Participants are limited to 50, and your ticket includes light bites and refreshments.

Buy Tickets — £15 / PWYC

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About This Site

This is the web site of Craft+Work — An intimate event series for soloists, founders and leaders working in the Shopify Partner ecosystem hosted by business and marketing consultant Keir Whitaker.

Please follow Craft+Work on Instagram and Twitter/X.

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Craft+Work is owned and operated by Metro 55 Limited (#05243642) t/a Keir Whitaker which is registered as a company in England & Wales. Our VAT number is #177672955.

© 2019 – 2024 Keir Whitaker. All rights reserved.